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披荆斩棘2 舞台纯享版海报剧照


  • 第1期


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《披荆斩棘2 舞台纯享版》是属于喜剧电影类型,演员主要是安德利娅·安德斯马特·帕斯摩尔克萝丽丝·利奇曼凯瑟琳·麦克纳马拉约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯霍拉提奥·桑斯劳伦·鲍尔斯约翰·赫德克里斯汀·艾斯布鲁克凯文·康韦大卫·丹曼费尔南达·罗梅罗马克斯·洛伊德-琼斯雷·奥克谢斯泰伦斯·比瑟,主要剧情/介绍/评论If there's one thing that the men of Rockford Texas love as much as their women, it's their guns. But when a gun incident at a neighborhood school spurs one stay at home mom, Jenna (Andrea Anders), to rethink Rockford's obsessive gun culture, life in this idyllic town is turned upside-down. Much to the chagrin of her husband, (Matt Passmore), Jenna ignites a movement by recruiting the women to withhold sex from the men until every gun in Rockford is vanquished. A wild and hilarious showdown ensues between the sexes. As tensions and libidos rise, the men and women of Rockford must decide what's really important: keeping the peace or getting a piece.