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《私人采购员》是属于伦理电影类型,演员主要是克里斯汀·斯图尔特安德斯·丹尼尔森·李拉斯·艾丁格诺拉·冯·瓦尔茨特滕戴维·鲍尔斯蒂·奥尔温西格丽·博阿茨兹班哲明·比欧雷奥拉利亚·佩蒂特,主要剧情/介绍/评论莫林,一位在巴黎的年轻美国女孩,她的工作是替一位有名的女士照看衣橱。她讨厌这份工作,却找不到更好的来负担她在巴黎的开销。她等待着,等待着关于她最近消失的双胞胎兄弟——刘易斯的消息。而她的手机突然开始收到一些陌生的匿名消息。t's been already three months since the sudden death of her 27-year-old twin brother Lewis from a congenital malformation of the heart, and Maureen, a young fashionista, assistant to a celebrity woman and a capable medium, still hasn't made any contact with him. Spending her time between high profile fashion establishments and the abandoned Lewis' house in Paris, Maureen is silently battling with the gut-wrenching grief and sorrow, while at the same time, looking for a sign from her deceased brother after an oath taken between the twins. Aloof, disoriented and still mourning, wraithlike Maureen attuned to the ethereal realm, is inevitably caught between this world and the spiritual, always looking for portals and a sign that would prove her brother right, however, in vain. Unexpectedly, as the days pass by swiftly and the random apparitions become more frequent, Maureen will start to receive strange text messages from an unknown sender who seems to know a lot about her, but in the ...