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《性感的秘书》是属于伦理电影类型,演员主要是LimAh-yeongJangSang-jin,主要剧情/介绍/评论Martine has come to Paris in order to visit her uncle, a dentist. Her uncle wants to keep his eye out for her since he knows what kinds of trouble young beautiful women can find themselves in once in a new city. He hires a private detective to follow her around town.Martine begins to work as a receptionist at her uncles office and on one occasion peeks in on her uncle and Brigitte Lahaie having sex in the exam room. Obviously turned on by what she just viewed she decides to experiment with some of the techniques just witnessed.Soon she finds herself having sex at a shoe store, involved in a fetish dungeon scene with, having sex with a bellboy in a hotel